Why I Serve Ohio

Molina Healthcare of Ohio (MHOH) is dedicated to serving our members and providing the best possible care that improves Ohioans’ health and lives. The entire MHOH team is passionate about meeting each individual Molina member’s unique needs in the pursuit of building stronger communities across our state.

The Why We Serve campaign highlights the personal stories of some of our team members and why they are committed to the work they do in service to our members. Hear from Molina case managers, specialists, and other staff that help us go the extra mile to provide excellent care throughout Ohio.

For the last 9 years, I have had the privilege of leading the team at Molina Healthcare of Ohio and inspired by their remarkable commitment to accomplishing the goals of providing the best care for members and service to our communities. It was the mission of Molina that brought me to the company 18 years ago, and it is this mission lived through the work of our employees that keeps me here. 

Our team is compassionate, adaptable, and innovative. They listen to the challenges and struggles of members, providers and community leaders, and then collaborate with them to adapt existing or develop new programs to ensure what we provide is relevant and reflective of the current needs of the individuals we serve.  

I am proud to work alongside physicians, nurses, pharmacists, administrators and so many others who make it their number one priority to drive towards equity in health care and outcomes for Ohio residents, especially underserved individuals…and this is Why I Serve. 

Starting out my career as a public relations professional, I felt that to make the most impact I could, I needed to be with an organization I believe in and have a passion for the industry I represent. For me, that organization is Molina Healthcare of Ohio, and that industry is healthcare. I’ve been at Molina for five years, and what motivates me is breaking down the complexities of health care in an understandable and engaging way.  

In my role, I strive to create accessible materials for diverse populations, find ways to connect members, forge strategic community partnerships, and work collaboratively with others to ensure the best possible outcomes for members. Helping individuals gain access to the care and services they need is incredibly challenging but knowing that Molina members will be better off because of it is worth it.  

I’m blessed to be in a role that positively impacts our communities, and one of the initiatives I’m most proud of is our work with Community Development for All People (CD4AP). Through this collaboration, Molina helped turn a run down, abandoned drive through into a vibrant community organization that provides fresh produce. The space is now a place for people to go take cooking classes on ways to integrate fresh food into their diets and learn about the importance of nutrition from Molina staff members. There are so many similar beautiful stories of the work our community partners do, and it’s a clear example of what I love about Molina. We set the bar high, and our staff works tirelessly to provide excellent service. 

From broad-scale education campaigns to meaningful community partnerships to improving health outcomes, I’m committed to ensuring members have access to the best possible resources. That is Why I Serve.  

As a former beneficiary of government assistance, I understand firsthand the importance of Molina’s mission and vision to provide affordable, high-quality care for individuals that are experiencing disadvantages. My personal experiences inform how I lead our team and the initiatives we implement to improve provider and member experiences with Molina and the health care systems they touch. 

The passion of caring for underserved communities is shared and apparent among our leadership team from the plan president on down and shown by our willingness to dig into the work to ensure we do our best for our providers and members every day. 

For over 40 years, caring for individuals in hospice, home care, nursing facility care, and other long-term services and support areas has been central throughout my career as a nurse and as a health care administrator. From my time as a direct care provider working within the community and then at the Cleveland Clinic as a Hospice Director to my role at Molina as Vice President of Health Care Services, it has been my aim to develop approaches that provide individuals with a more seamless and pleasant experience navigating a complex system while they often manage multiple health conditions. 

My team and I make sure dual members are connected to the right providers and the right care and services in the most safe, comfortable, and appropriate setting possible. We collaborate with state agencies, medical directors, providers, and other community stakeholders to address any barriers to care and provide an overall better experience for members wherever they choose to receive care. I am thankful to work at Molina where our leadership team shares in the same goal for this dual population and beyond and where I can leverage my experiences as a health care clinician and leader to inform decisions on our approaches to care. 

I started my nursing career after the birth of my second child. As my kids have grown into adults, I’ve developed a passion for advocating for my family, friends, and members. For nearly eight years, I’ve worked at Molina Healthcare of Ohio. Healthcare is complicated and has constantly moving parts, but it is amazing to be able to assess members’ needs and provide them with the assistance they need. 

As a Nursing Facility Case Manager, I don’t work in isolation. I collaborate directly with members to evaluate their needs, provide recommendations, and match them with the right care providers. By taking a holistic approach and valuing their input, we strive to keep members in their community as long as possible or find them an environment that can cater to their needs. Whether it’s through referrals to community resources like food, bathing, and housekeeping assistance, or follow-ups with a member in a facility, our goal is to ensure every member receives the care they deserve. 

One story that sticks with me is of a member who resided in a nursing facility with his wife while she was under hospice care. After her tragic loss, he was showing signs of depression. We encouraged the member to receive counseling, which helped improve his mood. We were also able to connect with the member’s Veterans Affairs team and assisted in getting his community-based services restarted. After receiving the care he needed, the ember eventually left the nursing facility and returned to his community, where he could live comfortably with the help of his niece.  

At Molina, we’re driven to ensure the best possible member outcomes. I work hard to ensure every member receives the care they deserve, and that is Why I Serve.  

When I was young, my great-grandmother always encouraged me to smile at seniors. “You may be the only person that gives them a smile today,” she often said. One thing this has taught me is that quality health care starts with compassion. That is why I am dedicated to connecting individuals with the resources and services they need. I recently reached my seventh anniversary at Molina Healthcare of Ohio, and I have felt empowered by the company every step of the way with the necessary tools to build trusting relationships with members and achieve positive results.  

As a community well case manager, I work directly with members to identify their needs and refer them to in-network providers or other services like meal programs and transportation benefits. Molina’s commitment to members involves recruiting the help of community-based organizations doing work on the ground, like Care Connections and Cityblock, to provide additional layers of support. I appreciate being part of an organization that values members and Molina employees, and our goal-driven work results in exemplary services.  

Through Molina’s MyCare Ohio waiver services, I have been able to meaningfully impact members by providing them with additional support they may need. I was involved in a collaborative effort with the Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging and the Molina waiver services team to ensure a newly enrolled Molina member received proper care. This cohesive effort led to the swift and successful transition of the member to a memory care assisted living environment. Molina is a truly collaborative environment, and the sense of connection it brings helps us overcome barriers and achieve the best possible results for members.  

Every day, we work to empower members, making them feel seen and valued by identifying their needs and bridging healthcare gaps. Our professional dedication to members is Why I Serve.  

Growing up with two parents who were social workers instilled a deep commitment to giving back to my community and making a positive impact. My first experience in health care happened when I was 14, working at a nursing home to care for elderly people and those with disabilities. My passion for health care grew, and I have been providing care to members at Molina Healthcare of Ohio for nearly six years. 

At Molina, I am proud to work on our long-term services and supports waiver programs. Our goal is to set up in-home services that enable members to remain in their communities for as long as possible. When one member found herself very sick out of state while visiting her son and needed additional support services to aid in her recovery, I worked to find a national provider for medical equipment who would accept her Molina coverage, and we were able to send equipment directly to her son’s home. We were also able to provide in-home therapy and nursing, allowing her to have all the tools she needed to regain her health and, eventually, return to her home. The member was thankful she was able to get the services she needed, even while out of state, and could heal in the comfort of her son’s home. 

Molina is committed to meeting members where they are, regardless of circumstance or location. Our approach to health care is holistic, and we are always hard at work finding the best resources for members. I am driven by a desire to give back to my community and ensure the best possible member outcomes, and that is Why I Serve.  

Health care is very personal to me. When I was at my most vulnerable giving birth to my son, I experienced medical complications. That experience inspired me to begin a career in health care serving those who need extra support and care, like seniors and members with disabilities. For the past ten years at Molina Healthcare of Ohio, I have seen firsthand the challenges those around me face when navigating the health care system.  

In my role as a licensed practical nurse community connector, I am on the ground completing member home visits. Through these visits we’re able to get the complete picture of members’ needs and get to know them personally. Every day I connect members with community and health care resources to improve their health outcomes.  

By building such close relationships with members and meeting them where they are, I can see and assist with situations that may be negatively impacting their lives. This is especially important when caring for seniors and disabled members who often rely on caregivers to meet their daily needs. In one instance, this trust allowed a Molina member to share that she was experiencing abuse from her caregiver. I was able to work with MyCare Ohio waiver services and local adult protective services to get her safely out of the situation and into a long-term care facility.  

Member health is important, and no one should feel rushed on the phone or feel frustrated about not understanding their benefits and resources available to them. Molina encourages us to develop friendships with members and Molina staff is committed to guiding and educating members so we can provide the best care possible and resources that improve their health outcomes.  

I believe in the work I do at Molina and know that I can positively impact members’ lives. Our work is life-changing, and that is Why I Serve.  

I joined Molina Healthcare of Ohio nearly ten years ago, and I am constantly inspired by Molina’s member-centered approach. When a situation arises, the first question we ask is, “How are we going to make this better for the Member?”   

My career in healthcare is deeply personal. As a family caregiver of a parent with cancer, eventually seeing my father lose his battle with the disease, I understand the challenges caregivers face on a daily basis, and the sacrifices they make to ensure their loved ones receive quality care. It was the dedication of my father’s care team, including his nurses and doctors, that inspired me to enter the healthcare space so I could help ensure that others would not have to navigate the challenges of caring for a loved one alone.   

The importance of uplifting the voices of those who need it has been a throughline of my career.  One of my first roles within Molina involved work with the MyCare Ohio program, advocating for elderly populations and those with disabilities. I also participate in and served as a Past Treasurer of the Board with the Ohio Olmstead Task Force, which Molina has been heavily involved in for over 10 years, to ensure we can support those with disabilities. It was through this work and participation with the Ohio Breaking Silences Committee, another disability advocacy organization, that has allowed Molina to make improvements to our approach with members and member materials and make these as accessible as possible. This has helped and allowed us to reach more members especially those in the disability communities.  

I feel an immense sense of accomplishment about the important work we do here at Molina and contributing to the greater good is Why I Serve.   

As the Chief Medical Officer of Molina Healthcare of Ohio and a practicing emergency department (ED) doctor, my role is both to advance strategy at an organizational level, and to deliver compassionate care to patients. This dual role gives me a unique lens into the healthcare system – I can see the unique needs and social determinants of health that impact member health outcomes and get to know providers’ needs more directly by seeing them in a healthcare setting. This view allows me to keep members and providers in mind with every decision I make at the leadership level.   

When I joined Molina as the chief medical officer it was a personal priority of mine to continue practicing medicine in a clinical setting. Molina’s leadership welcomed me and encouraged me to continue seeing patients. That is part of what makes Molina so unique – the organization sees the importance of staying connected with members. That takes many forms. For some it is through personal volunteerism, and others it’s through Molina’s partnerships and support for community-based organizations. For me, it’s continuing to see patients in the ED that allows me to gain insight into members’ needs and challenges, so I can guide them to the resources they need to improve their health and wellbeing.  

Additionally, getting to know providers and the networks they are coming from has been very important to building provider relationships.  I utilize my role as a physician/provider and CMO through our joint operating committees and provider engagement teams to achieve this. We are trying to break down the “us” versus “them” dynamic that too often can come between providers and payers. Better relationships all around means better care for members. I am a member of both teams. 

Working with providers to improve the health of members and communities is Why I Serve.