
The MolinaCares Accord works with local partners to foster long-term care for Iowans by building a stronger workforce. We support programs, organizations, and nonprofits that focus on improving the social, economic, and environmental environments throughout the Hawkeye state.

Press Releases

8/9/24 Molina Healthcare of Iowa Donates $10,000 to the Iowa Black Doula Collective to Reduce Racial Disparities in Health Outcomes for Newborns

6/5/24 Molina Healthcare of Iowa Makes $15,000 Donation to Support EveryStep’s Senior Companion Program

12/11/23 The MolinaCares Accord Invests $200,000 to Address Health Disparities and Inequities in Iowa

11/14/23 Molina Healthcare of Iowa Donates $5,000 to Community Grocer in Waterloo Food Desert for Voucher Giveaway

10/25/23 The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation and Molina Healthcare of Iowa Donates $30,000 in Support of the Iowa Produce Prescription Program

8/14/23 The MolinaCares Accord Invests $200,000 to Address Health Disparities and Inequities in Iowa

8/31/2022 Molina Healthcare Wins Iowa Medicaid Contract

04/25/2022 Molina Healthcare of Iowa Announces Dr. Tim Gutshall as Chief Medical Officer

04/06/2022 The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation Donates $30,000 in High School Scholarships Supporting Careers in Long-Term Care

05/20/2021 The MolinaCares Accord Supports Iowans in Need with $100,000 in Donations to Iowa Nonprofit

03/23/2021 The MolinaCares Accord Supports Iowans in Need with $150,000 in Donations