The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation donates $5,000 to the Idaho Oral Health Alliance in Support of Oral Health Education for Medical Providers
Media Contact: Rhonda Frazier,, 562-980-3849

Boise, Idaho, July 1, 2022 – The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation, in collaboration with Molina Healthcare of Idaho, recently announced a grant of $5,000 to the Idaho Oral Health Alliance (IOHA), a statewide nonprofit dedicated to optimizing oral health through education, advocacy and program development. The grant will help fund an oral health education webinar series designed to encourage medical providers to embrace oral health as a critical part of an individual’s overall health and well-being.
“We are honored to support the Idaho Oral Health Alliance in their efforts to share useful oral health information with medical providers across Idaho,” said Marnie Packard, vice president and market leader for Molina Healthcare of Idaho. “The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation was created to improve the health and well-being of individuals by funding meaningful, measurable, and innovative programs and solutions that improve health, life and living in our local communities.”
Through the webinars, IOHA hopes to encourage medical providers to work with their dental partners to provide coordinated and collaborative care for their patients, according to Troy Clovis, DMD, chair of the IOHA Board.
“The IOHA has long championed medical-dental collaboration as a way to expand access to care, especially in Idaho rural areas and in communities where our citizens experience inequities and health disparities,” said Jennifer Wheeler, executive director of the IOHA. “This generous grant from the Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation will help support an 8-part educational series that will help medical providers better understand the systemic and intertwined issues between oral health and whole health and well-being.”
About The Idaho Oral Health Alliance
The Idaho Oral Health Alliance (IOHA) was formed in 1998 with the mission to lead collaborative efforts to bring optimal oral health to Idahoans through education, advocacy, and program development. The statewide nonprofit welcomes all oral health champions to join in the effort and is honored to have members from the dental profession, the medical profession, education, insurance, public health, and other businesses and nonprofits.
About the Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation
The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) established in 2020 by Molina Healthcare, Inc. The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation was created to improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged populations by funding meaningful, measurable, and innovative programs and solutions that improve health, life, and living in local communities.