Why I Serve New Mexico
Molina Healthcare of New Mexico (MHNM) is dedicated to serving our members and providing the best possible care that improves New Mexicans’ health and lives. The entire MHNM team is passionate about meeting each individual Molina member’s unique needs in the pursuit of building stronger communities across our state.
The Why I Serve campaign highlights the personal stories of some of our team members and why they are committed to the work they do in service to our members. Hear from Molina case managers, specialists, and other staff that help us go the extra mile to provide excellent care throughout our state.

Carolyn Ingram, Plan President
As a proud native and lifelong resident of New Mexico, it is an honor for me to work towards improving the lives of all New Mexicans. During my time serving as the state’s Medicaid director and in the private sector, I have witnessed widespread disparities many people experience in accessing quality health care. As plan president of Molina Healthcare of New Mexico, it is my honor and duty to address existing health inequities, especially in the areas of maternal and child health care as well as behavioral health.
As a third-generation New Mexican, the beautiful diversity of our state continues to inspire me to help fellow residents access the best possible health care and community services available to them. This is Why I Serve.

Yolanda Johnson, Community Outreach Coordinator

Through my work with Molina, I am able to serve members from my community, the Navajo Nation as well as other tribal communities in New Mexico. I address language barriers and educate members about the resources and benefits available them. I am also able to connect with members at our resource center in Gallup, scheduling medical appointments and providing access to food, flu shots, and PPE kits. The in-person connections we make allows us to build relationships with our community and members on a deeper level than an automated call center.
I especially enjoy working with our elders because in return they give me insight into our culture and tradition. I lost my grandparents at a young age and seeing and interacting with them means a lot to me.
I love what I do for my people in my community and that is Why I Serve.
Margaret King, Case Manager (RN)
I have been a Case Manager (RN) with Molina for 7 years. In this role, I am in a unique position to provide assistance to our members from all walks of life. I am honored to be able to provide resources to our members to help them achieve their personal goals for healthcare management.
Our members come to me with many questions like, “how do I find a Provider in my area?” and “I don’t understand my medications or how to get them.” I work with these members to ensure that their health care needs are met. I take the time to listen to their concerns and answer their questions. Many members have told me “I called you because you make things happen!”
I had a member who was having issues getting her diabetic supplies for several months. I made multiple phone calls, followed up with her to make sure she received all of her needed supplies, and helped set her up on a schedule to ensure that she had adequate supplies delivered to her. Her heartfelt appreciation (and relief) for all my efforts was so nice to hear. She knew she would not be healthy without the lifesaving supplies she needed for management of her Type 1 Diabetes.
It is an honor and privilege for me to work with these members. I really want to see my members succeed – and that is Why I Serve.

Buffie Saavedra, Director of Member and Community Engagement

I have been given the gift of being part of a family that has served our beloved state for six generations. New Mexico is the most special place in the world, with history and tradition well before our states became united. I can serve New Mexicans through my work at Molina every day, focusing on our members, their families, and their communities. I believe we each should have the opportunity to live our most healthy and happy lives, and I appreciate our team’s work to remove barriers, find solutions to challenges, and focus on local innovation with that goal in mind.
One example is the launch of our FarmboxRx health outcomes program for our elders and members with disabilities. Through this program, members receive a fresh produce box as they complete monthly health and wellness activities. As a result, we have measured increased health assessment completions, health screenings, and wellness activities.
I am honored to continue working to improve the health and wellbeing of all New Mexicans. That is Why I Serve.
Laura Schwartz, Health Plan Pharmacist
As a health plan pharmacist, I work to ensure appropriate and safe medication use while being mindful of available health care resources. Patients need access to critical medications at a cost they can afford, and it can be a complicated system to navigate. I help our members and our pharmacy partners navigate the nuances of their medication coverage options.
I also work to ensure that my pharmacist colleagues working on the frontlines serving New Mexicans are getting the support they need. Pharmacists are the most accessible health care professionals and are key players in health equity. Anyone can access a pharmacist free of charge, regardless of their background and current status. They are invaluable resources for New Mexico. This is Why I Serve.