MolinaCares partners with Farm Share to support Florida communities

It’s currently estimated that 4.5 million Floridians are going hungry. To combat this, The MolinaCares Accord and Molina Healthcare of Florida recently partnered with Farm Share to host a drive-thru food giveaway to help ensure no Floridian goes hungry and minimize food waste.
Hurricane Ian’s impact presented a unique threat to an ongoing public health issue that MolinaCares was eager to address. Whether it’s through donations or boots-on-the-ground volunteering, Joel Izurieta, Health Plan Provider Engagement Director for Molina Healthcare of Florida said it best, “We all have a serving heart here, and so this is what we enjoy doing – give back and help our communities with MolinaCares.”
On the day of distribution, 53 Molina employee volunteers helped hand out 38,628 pounds of food to 466 cars, supporting food security for 922 families.
“It is because of organizations like MolinaCares that we are able to do our work. FarmShare, in collaboration with our partners, is feeding over 5,000 families which feels amazing.” – Gil Zepeda, Marketing Director, Farm Share.
MolinaCares looks forward to an ongoing partnership with Farm Share to achieve our goal of access to nutritious food for all Floridians and building better communities one life at a time.