Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation Donates $40,000 to Fund Housing for Victims of Tornadoes and Flooding
Media Contact: Ben Jackey,, (502) 377-9484

LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec. 3, 2023 —The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation, in collaboration with Passport by Molina Healthcare (“Passport”), presented a $40,000 check to the Mayfield Graves County Long-Term Recovery Group (“LTRG”) to support the group’s Home for the Holidays program, creating rent-to-own opportunities for those affected by natural disasters.
As result of the December 10, 2021 EF-4 tornado that hit Graves County, 24 people died, 200 were injured and 3,778 residences were destroyed. Seventy percent of those impacted were renters. Through the Home for the Holidays Program, Mayfield Graves County LTRG will purchase vacant homes in the area and make repairs and renovations. Tornado survivors can lease the property at a significant discount to market rate. After a year of renting, the resident can purchase the property.
“Safe housing is a fundamental human need, and Homes for the Holidays provides the stability needed to rebuild the community’s health and well-being,” said Ryan Sadler, plan president of Passport by Molina Healthcare. “Passport is proud to support the work of Mayfield and Graves County LTRG as it addresses the continued needs of those impacted by the devastating storm.”
While the renter is leasing the property, they will be required to complete classes in home ownership and financial management. The Mayfield Graves County LTRG will also provide assistance to participants who need to complete the redetermination process to maintain Medicaid eligibility.
The Home for the Holidays program is one of several initiatives started by the Mayfield Graves County LTRG to assist recovery efforts for the tens of thousands of residents in the area. The organization partners with community agencies to connect survivors with resources to help them get back on their feet. Resources include assistance with accessing food, medical care, rent, transportation and more.
“We are grateful for the partnership between the Mayfield Graves County LTRG, New Lease on Life, and Passport by Molina Healthcare,” said Karastin Freese, vice chair of the Mayfield Graves LTRG Board of Directors. “The assistance goes to address the holistic nature of the health of Kentuckians living in Mayfield. By assisting with housing, Passport is directly impacting the health of tornado survivors. Housing is one of the first steps towards a healthy life. We are grateful for this partnership and investment in the health and future of Mayfield.”
For more information on this The Mayfield Graves County Long-Term Recovery Group, visit
About The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation
The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) established in 2020 by Molina Healthcare, Inc. The Molina Healthcare Charitable Foundation was created to improve the health and well-being of disadvantaged populations by funding meaningful, measurable, and innovative programs and solutions that improve health, life, and living in local communities.
About Passport by Molina Healthcare
Molina Healthcare of Kentucky, Inc., dba Passport by Molina Healthcare, provides government-funded, quality health care to low-income individuals, and works closely with local providers and community partners to improve health outcomes for members and the communities it serves. Passport by Molina Healthcare is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Molina Healthcare, Inc., a FORTUNE 500 company, which provides managed healthcare services under the Medicaid and Medicare programs and through the state insurance marketplaces. Molina Healthcare served approximately 5.2 million members as of September 30, 2023, located across 19 states. For more information about Passport Health Plan by Molina Healthcare, visit