Molina Healthcare and Riverside Health System organize a bra drive for sexual violence survivors
Molina Healthcare supports sexual violence survivors
In collaboration with Riverside University Health System, Molina Healthcare of California facilitated the collection of 3,620 bras throughout the course of a month-long drive. Donated bras will be offered to women who have undergone forensic exams following sexual violence. For survivors, forensic exams often require them to leave behind their bras as evidence.
“Molina is hopeful that this event provides women undergoing forensic exams with a bit more privacy and comfort following their medical appointment,” said Abbie Totten, plan president of Molina Healthcare of California. “We are thrilled to partner with the RUHS – Foundation to build on the important work of their medical center and provide support to the women of Riverside County that depend on their services.”
We stand together
Molina is proud to be an advocate for survivors of sexual violence. It is our hope that by offering survivors bras donated by their community, women will feel a sense of comfort and empowerment. This drive was a true collaboration between community partners, Riverside University Health System, and Molina Healthcare of California.
“We are grateful for the partnership of Molina and everyone else who made this drive successful.” said Nicole Peterson Orr, Riverside University Health System – Foundation Executive Director. “We want every survivor of sexual violence to know that we see you, we hear you and we support you.”